Friday, November 2, 2012

Nov. 2 and a view of AEDM day 1

frosty moonrise
It's a struggle living alone a lot of the time. The "little grey cells" become a bit dopey.
Got a bit ahead of myself yesterday trying to catch up and move forward at the same time.
November 1, All Saints Day.
November 2, All Souls Day.
Thank you Jerome, editor extraordinaire.  And they say dates are the things that slip through editing most easily!
Yesterday my fiber arts group assembled (1st and 3rd Thursdays) at Katherine's glorious shop, Ewetopia. She had just returned from Vogue Knitting Live in Chicago with all of her treasures and ideas vibrating throughout her already humming shop. Many of the women in this ever widening circle are spinners, weavers, knitters. I crochet and they love me anyway. I've always wanted to learn the other crafts and know I will finally now that these women have embraced me. But with the cauldron already bubbling I dare not add another ingredient at this time.

AEDM day1: Woodland Lace doily under way.


  1. Wow awesome doily!
    I'm so glad you are back and blogging, Colorado has missed you.

  2. Beautiful crochet work Sharon. Very intricate and delicate.

  3. Lovely lace doily, Sharon! How wonderful that you have found this group!! Can't wait to see what else you'll get into, when the cauldron simmers down a bit!
