Monday, May 7, 2012

some simple pleasures

In the past 18 days my rain gauges have collected a total of 12 and 3/4 inches of rain! This morning, when I let the chickens out to play, their yard still had puddles and lots of mud. But the sun is out and there is a breeze and the temperature is nearly 70.

This past Saturday I had the dearest pleasure. My friend Lovina had her baby on Thursday, a girl. I am so delighted for them all. Since photos are against their wishes, you'll have to imagine a round, pink, darling in her little white bonnet and traditional Amish blue dress. Rocking her in their wood stove warmed parlor last Saturday, I was filled to the brim with emotion. When their littlest, Eli, came in carrying a tiny kitten, my heart spilled over. That's when I handed little baby Lizzy over to her mother so I could lift Eli into my lap. Alas, I hadn't been needed to take Lovina to the clinic for the birth, despite my keeping my cell phone on my person for days. Last week I slipped it into my bra set to vibrate while I mowed the lawn so I wouldn't miss hearing it. That gave Lovina a good laugh!! Well, I get to take them to the clinic this week for a follow up. I hope I'm not too tempted to take that kitten home...
Saturday was also the first of the outdoor farmers' markets in our town for this season. All winter a small group continued to sell indoors. Now the larger group is once more back and enjoying the open air. Of course, I had to stop and say hello to some of the dear folk I've gotten to know so well.

I bought a bottle of Robin's herbal insect repellent,

an orchid from the folks I met last fall from Cazenovia, which is sending its fragrance out to meet me as I walk across the dining room,

and a Bug Be Gone candle from Lizzy, another of my Amish friends. It is a soy candle scented with citronella, lavender, and lemon essential oils. Pure white, its aroma is divine, not at all like the ugly smell of the yellow types you see all over in big box stores usually sold in little tin pails.

Checking out the garden here now that the rains have moved out, I've picked the first Lily of the Valley and peonies of the season.  I also discovered a few more stalks of asparagus in the bed behind the garage and ate them within minutes with my dinner. Oh my.

It would be so interesting to know the history of this property, what grew where, what old buildings used to be here, what animals were kept. Except for our marvelous mature Cortland apple, there where no fruits here at all when we bought the place. There is a large rhubarb, but other than that, just lots of lovely flowers, though tangled in weeds and invasive grasses. It will be my delight to bring them out from their strangled states. Work, yes, but part of why I love it here.
Soft air, sun tempered by light clouds, mild temperatures, bird song, windows open just a little. Today is a very good day. Such a good beginning to the week.
I wish the same for all of you.


  1. It is always a joy to discover a new blog post of yours, Sharon. Oh, I wish we could see Lovina's new baby, but you've created such a picture with words I can easily imagine her in her Amish home. You are a very good friend to be so available to Lovina!
    The products and the orchid from the farmers market sound so lovely. I can tell you are savoring the fragrances and beauty of these natural treasures.

    So glad you had a very good day, Sharon!!

  2. I can picture Lovina, her new baby and son and little kitten perfectly from your words Sharon. How long before you are tempted to take on that little kitten?!!! It sounds that you have a warm and loving community around you and opportunity to support each other at the farmers market. Such a lovely post.

  3. Oh, what a sweet post, Sharon...a peek into your rural life. A new baby, a new kitten, a new big brother, the first farmer's market, spring in the air...such blessings!

    Thank you for sharing it all here with us.
