Monday, August 10, 2020


Spent a relaxing Sunday afternoon in Anne and Matthias' back yard eden, eating lunch carefully prepared with plenty of goodies from their garden, burgers of locally raised beef, and home brewed beer. Sitting under a  perfectly sized table umbrella, the few sprinkles that fell didn't bother us one bit. And then as if by magic, blue skies!

While a female hummingbird spent her afternoon with us drawing our attention to her favorite blossoms, we were also entertained by juvenile blue jays encouraging each other to sip from Anne's birdbath and butterflies floating among more blooms than one can count. Using my phone, Anne took this photo of one of them resting on her kale.

We spend very little time in the company of others right now. Being with a couple of our favorite people out in the open air, just being together, is surely the fullest  measure of grace.


  1. What a beautiful description of a special afternoon!

  2. As you so often say, “Grace abundant”. xo

  3. Lovely to spend time together in beautiful surroundings. I've not been able to meet anyone yet. I love the butterfly photo! :)
