Monday, August 31, 2020


Much to my amazement I have arrived at the end of my month of blogging daily graces. Considering all that has been pulling my attention elsewhere, 21 out of 31 posts isn't too bad. 
Now that I've taken the time to pay attention, I can see that whenever I need it grace surrounds me. The air I breathe, the sunshine I feel on my skin, the song of the chickadee, the fragrance of the hydrangeas just outside the window. The warm juices of a just plucked tomato. The yolks of our hens' eggs that rival the hues of the setting sun. Just to wake in the morning and put my head down on my pillow at the close of day, privileges beyond so many on this God's earth. 
Beyond all this, my deepest grace can be seen in the faces of these dear, dear ones. 


  1. Indeed.
    All of this rings true.
    I am so glad you are here Sharon.

  2. A wonderful family photo Sharon. It's perfect. :)
