Monday, August 4, 2014


adjective… inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity or grandeur; majestic.
August, the season of lilies.

Our ridge meadow farm is home to several varieties of lily. From the humble roadside field lily

to the the ephemeral blossoms in our pond.

Just now our brick walk flower bed is bursting forth and the aroma, especially under the stars, is amazing.

I do love all manner of flowers, every season, inside and out, but it is the lily that brings me closest to peace.

And for that reason I chose this piece of art glass as my welcome home gift to myself when we bought the farm. It never fails to center me, to bring hope, to ease.


  1. I love all the flowers in your border in the header Sharon but I love the snapdragons most of all!

  2. Here in Vermont we call your roadside field lily "ditch lilies". I actually love seeing them growing all over the wild and unkempt places.

    Love your interpretation of "august".


  3. How very beautiful, Sharon - photographs, words and symbolism. I would love to walk up that brick walkway and visit you on your front porch!
