Tuesday, December 3, 2013

advent day 3

Heavy, wet snow gave way to dense fog.
Couldn't be a better day to stay indoors and organize. Time to pack up the autumn decorations. 
With courage and strong will I now have just 2 totes instead of 3. Stopping at GoodWill tomorrow, sharing the bounty.

Now for the real challenge: thinning out 42 years of collecting for Christmas. Little house, little needs, right? I WILL do this. You bet.
But not today. 
Right now it's time for a sip of Tazo mint with lemongrass and a bit of QI Gong before I prepare dinner.


  1. Oh, Sharon, so funny - I was just thinning out our collection of Christmas treasures a little while ago! My friend's church is having its fair this weekend, which is a perfect opportunity for donating.It feels GOOD to let go of things!! But I still have a long way to go! Hope you enjoyed your tea!

  2. Letting go. A chore that ends up feeling like a relief!
