Thursday, December 20, 2012

snowy day

We're having a blizzard today. Schools are closed, winds decorating the landscape with blowing snow as a child with a  bowl of frosting might approach a naked cupcake. Nature's way of forcing us to take a little time and think.

Eloise as created by Anne in Dec. 2010

I'm more convinced, the older I get, that life is all about perception. The old glass half full or half empty thing. And in the face of recent tragedy, there's no time to waste letting the darkness of the empty half put out the light of the half that is full.
The house is aglow with Christmas lights and my trusty cat is moving from one windy window sill to the next as the storm rages on. And I thought I'd share a few reasons why I really don't mind snow.

Take, for example, the work of snow artist Simon Beck and here.

or photographer "Snowflake" Bentley. All the more amazing since his stunning photography was accomplished before 1930. The book, Snowflake Bentley, won the Caldecott award for Mary Azarian in 1999. Warning, this is a clip from Martha Stewart and has a commercial first. I don't know how to edit it out but it's worth sitting through in order to meet the artist. (Did you feel the sun on your face while visiting Mary's garden??)

folding an origami snowflake

cutting out  paper snowflakes.

Well, the morning is gone and I've had a great time. It's still storming, but I feel great. Hope you do as well.


  1. Nothing else puts a smile on my face quite like a delicious snowfall. xo

  2. Such beautiful links!! I, too, love a snowstorm - lovely drifts and frosted pine branches...
    So glad you are able to be dazzled by the blizzard, Sharon. Hope you and Dovey stay nice and warm!

  3. A lovely post Sharon. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
