Monday, February 3, 2020

borrowing an idea

My daughter Anne, always a joy and an inspiration, has long offered her readers healing grace by boldly stating and thereby focusing on the joys of her life, and encouraging us to do the same.

and so, my first and long overdue Joy list Monday!
sunny winter days
Sunday lunch with some of my favorite people and pups
seeds arriving in the post

reading great books from our fantastic public library
geraniums blooming under the grow lights in the basement
my sweetheart getting up before 6 and getting my car washed for me
preparing for a four day quilt retreat later this week.

Now, that felt good.


  1. Yay! You're back!

    A perfect Joy List.


  2. Joy lists are such great motivators aren't they? I must remember to write them from time to time. I hope your quilt retreat was as good as I imagine Sharon! :)

  3. Hello Sharon,

    Love your joy list, hope the seeds bloom. I love our local library too, the ladies are just so happy and it is always great to have a chat.

    Happy days.
