Thursday, September 19, 2019

I'm back

If you are reading this, hello, and thank you. Yes, I've had a long absence from this page. I'm both surprised and embarrassed by it. Surprised by how quickly time passes and more than a bit chagrined that I haven't shared the ups and downs of summer here in the driftless region. I do so love it here.

I've said it before, summer is my least favorite season for so many reasons. As I get older my body strength declines with the 1-2 punches of heat and humidity. Bugs have always sought me out but my physical response to their saliva and stings has become more intense as I've aged. Though I love growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, at times the struggle against the uninvited plant guests seems to overwhelm. If it weren't for my lovely hens some days I'd be content not to go outside at all.
Thankfully the earth turns.
My happy season is slipping into summer's place. Next week I reach a milestone birthday. The number doesn't quite match how I see myself from the inside. In the weeks and months ahead I hope to find ways to celebrate my new decade and hope you'll stop back and cheer me on.


  1. "Thankfully the earth turns." LOVE this!

  2. Lovely to see you back Sharon. Happy Birthday week! I think Summer is the biggest hyped up season ever! It was so hot in London this year that I spent many days in the house with the curtains closed. I much prefer the autumn but it is humid and rainy. I prefer a cool crisp day and hopefully we will have some soon. I look forward to seeing how you celebrate a new decade. :)
