Wednesday, November 14, 2018

realigning the personal compass

How have we gotten to the middle of November???

It takes me a few weeks to adjust to the time change. When we fall back I have to apply discipline and daily effort to resist my mammalian instinct towards hibernation. Especially in the face of shorter daylight hours, even when or especially when the skies are grey. And when the sun does shine, have you also noticed how deep the shadows are now?

Our weather seems too cold for this time of year. The soft and brilliant days of autumn gone much too soon. Last week we seized an afternoon of temperatures just above freezing to dig the last of the leeks, plant the garlic, mulch the raised beds. The next morning the thermometer was close to single digits and the chickens refused to leave their house all day. They haven't given us an egg since last Wednesday! a whole week ago! Poor birds are in the middle of their annual molt just when they need their feathers most.
It feels as if winter is in a hurry, and by a trick of the calendar, this year Thanksgiving is the earliest it can be. (And don't get me started on how soon the Christmas season is thrust upon us.) The relentlessness of pressure from the outside creates anxiety, confusion, helplessness.

It's time to shake it up folks. Time to apply the brakes and purposefully choose. To take deep breaths, stretch, eat well, notice, plot a course and steady on.

Help can be as near as your keyboard. Though virtual, the internet allows the forging of connections as real as blood and bone. I find great comfort and much needed light on dark days reading your instagram and blog postings, dear friends. You inspire, instruct, illuminate. Move me to look within, see with more clarity, move me to be a truer version of myself. To realign my compass.
Karen, of Sew and Sow Life in Vermont, posted a quote that has been resonating with me daily since reading it. Perhaps it will help you shift your attitude as well. Karen, thank you for so often saying just what I need to hear.

Sharing grace and magnifying joy and gratitude the power grows.
Can you feel it? The corporal power of shared grace and gratitude? I believe even the earth takes notice.

1 comment:

  1. Yes to everything here, Sharon! The winter has come on early and strong here in Vermont as well. The light from the sun as it sets over the Green Mountains slants right into our kitchen in a most magical way. Instead of regretting the sunset, I try so very hard to absorb the beauty of that moment...for it is so fleeting! Sending you love across the miles, dearest one. xo
