Monday, June 18, 2018

thoughts on a mid June Monday

I have a theory that as we approach the summer solstice the earth spins faster than at any other time of year. The days are the longest but for some inexplicable reason there seems to be less time for everything,

Add to this a long list of "what I want to accomplish this summer" and pretty soon it's like  being pummeled by waves. Not little, lapping, tinkling waves like minnows nibbling your toes. The sort that make you reach for handholds and cause you to check that your life vest is fastened.

I admit the heat and humidity really do me in. And the bugs?? eek, they love me. Truth be told the combination, if allowed, can cause me to forget all desire for being outdoors.
Yet the garden needs tending. The chickens require tender attention. Life on the meadow needs to be noticed.

I'm wondering if getting older I'm coming to realize there's no longer enough time for  everything on my "want to accomplish list." An idea, that if allowed, could immobilize.

Today, though, I choose to "do". Something. To allow myself my humanity. To let go of the falsity of being in control.
To acknowledge gratitude.
And to share with each of you some of the joy that hums its soft melodies if we but have the ears to listen.

Love and thanks to each of you for being who you are persevering in the face of your own challenges of spirit.

"Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard."  (Anne Sexton)


  1. Oh, golly. Have you just taken a secret tour within my brain? The "getting older" thing is a double edged sword...a mixture of urgency and of savoring. So glad to have you here, in this space, dear Sharon. xo

  2. finding your comment here this morning is balm indeed. thank you dear lady.
