Thursday, April 27, 2017

life is struggle

Changeable April.

One week ago:  incessant rain

3 days ago:  high winds

This morning: good grief!

Our chickens were NOT happy with what greeted them as their door was opened this morning. Little Punkin, our tiniest hen, always pushing to be the first out the door, stopped inches from the opening but had the momentum of all her flock pushing behind.

Tuesday's dinner included our first spears of the season. Are the few brave shoots that were just piercing the soil yesterday lost this morning in the cold?
As I finish my morning coffee and put this post out into the stratosphere, I'm thinking that later this morning I'll do my daily walk about and get the garden blankets ready to be set out against tonight's predicted hard frost. But though I may have thoughts of woman against nature, I realize it's never really up to me. I can help, interfere, foolishly ignore, but I cannot control. As I age I'm realizing more every day that sense of relief knowing I don't have the responsibility of being in charge. I can "mother" my gardens but they are, as they've always been, in God's capable hands.
And rightly so.


  1. It seems you have had all seasons thrown at you recently Sharon. I guess we have to be open to change and to expect the unexpected! I bet your asparagus spears were delicious - one of my favorite vegetables. Soon all this unpredictable weather will be a distant memory and you will be basking in the sunshine! :)

  2. Good grief - what a Spring! But I love your perspective - so much we cannot control, but we do our best to protect, don't we? Love your photo of blossoms!!!
