Sunday, March 27, 2016

three snows on the robins

Yesterday we visited our recycling center and Dennis, the overseer of the grounds, told us spring is now on the way. For there have now been three snows on the robins. I hadn't heard this before and was tickled that this outwardly rough fellow had such a cheerful message to share.

Our maple is swelling, the rhubarb is seeking the sun, the lenten rose if full of bud. How could we doubt his message. 
This Easter morning we are listening to recordings of holy week and easter services from years past. Familiar voices from the pulpit, the choir stalls, the balcony. Simple and complex harmonies of praise and thanksgiving. Instrumentation both humble and bold. 
Despite worldly turmoil, the sweet benediction of "plenteous redemption" is everywhere here on the ridge.
May you feel it also this Easter day.